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Your search for "zoom" yielded 2247 hits

Nya artiklar om studieteknik för studenter

Av maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - publicerad 13 juni 2022 Du kommer väl ihåg att det finns artiklar för studenter om studieteknik i digitala lärmiljöer på webbplatsen Dit kan du hänvisa studenter för tips om exempelvis engagemang, läsning och planering i mer eller mindre digital undervisning. Nu finns dessutom två nya efterfrågade - 2024-12-25

Min coronavardag: ”Studenterna har börjat komma tillbaka i horder”

Av kristina [dot] lindgarde [at] lth [dot] se (Kristina Lindgärde) - publicerad 28 maj 2020 Maivor Hallén LUM har träffat medarbetare som arbetar med vitt skilda saker runtom på universitet, men som alla påverkas av pandemin – både i arbetet och utanför. Maivor Hallén, bibliotekschef på LTHHur har din vardag påverkats?– Tidigare veckopendlade jag med flyg från Gävle där jag bor, nu jobbar jag hemi - 2024-12-26

Ta hjälp av framtidens kommunikationsstrateger under våren

Publicerad 20 januari 2023 Den här typen av projekt ger dig, som driver företag, möjligheten att få en utomstående och objektiv part att genomlysa och ge förslag på kommunikationsstrategier. Vill ditt företag eller organisation växla upp ert kommunikationsarbete? Gör som Framtidslabbet 2.0, Återbruket, Lindab Innovation Hub och Revam – ta stöd av våra studenter från Institutionen för strategisk ko - 2024-12-25

Questions about ethical review? Contact Åse!

By helena [dot] lind [at] sam [dot] lu [dot] se (Helena Lind) - published 23 May 2024 If your research involves persons or the processing of personal data, you may need to apply for ethical authorisation. Åse Inner-Ker, the faculty's ethics advisor, can provide support in the process and advice on where to find information. Hi Åse! You are the Faculty Ethics Adviser - what does that mean?- Researc - 2024-12-25

Ph.D. interview - Oscar Manouchehrian

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 29 April 2022 Oscar Manouchehrian defends his thesis on the 13th of May 2022. Oscar Manouchehrian has explored the roles of exercise and inflammation in neurological disorders. On May 13, he defends his Ph.D. thesis. Here, he shares his insights into academic research and experiences as a Ph.D. student in the Exper - 2024-12-25

Teaterhögskolan i Malmö medverkar på Scenkonstbiennalen 18-21 maj 2021

Av daniel [dot] eriksson [at] thm [dot] lu [dot] se (Daniel Eriksson) - publicerad 17 maj 2021 Scenkonstbiennalen 18-21 maj 2021 blir i år semidigital, och våra examensstudenter från skådespelarprogrammet medverkar både live i digitala samtal och med en digital live-stream, samt med två förinspelade inslag som del av biennalprogrammet. Samtliga programpunkter som Teaterhögskolan medverkar i går at - 2024-12-25

LU eScience Hub: NLP Applications in Scientific Domains

Av alexandros [dot] sopasakis [at] math [dot] lth [dot] se (Alexandros Sopasakis) - publicerad 9 september 2023 This event intends to bring together the scientific community and shed light on the capabilities of Natural Language Processing (NLP) while providing an overview of its achievements in different scientific fields A series of speakers from diverse scientific backgrounds will share insight - 2024-12-26

New articles about study techniques for students

By maria [dot] esaiasson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Esaiasson) - published 17 August 2022 Are you aware that there are tips for students studying in digital learning environments on the page Studying online at You can point students to these articles for information on, for example, engagement, reading and planning in classes with some form of online component. - 2024-12-25

The University have received SEK 1.7 million for professional development activities in Europe

Published 1 May 2023 The University has received more funding for mobility this year. Lund University has received EUR 144,400 from the Erasmus+ mobility fund (around SEK 1.7 million). There is also a limited amount available for mobility to the United Kingdom. The money is to be used for professional development abroad for technical and administrative staff, among others. Compared to 2022, this i - 2024-12-26

DEBATT: Minska isoleringen på äldreboenden med surfplattor och digitala ombud

Av agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - publicerad 28 april 2020 Äldreomsorgen måste öka möjligheten till kontakt med anhöriga för dem som bor på äldreboenden genom att underlätta digitalt umgänge. Photo: Gabriel Benois I en svår tid kan digitala lösningar innebära både glädje och lättnad för många människor. Det skriver de CASE-anknutna forskarna Tove Harnett, So - 2024-12-25

PhD defence interview - Shelby Shrigley

By alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 9 March 2021 Shelby Shrigley defends her PhD thesis on Friday 12th March 2021. During her PhD studies Shelby Shrigley has been exploring patient-specific cell replacement therapy for Parkinson's disease. Defending her PhD thesis on March 12th, here Shelby tells us about her research within the Developmental and Regen - 2024-12-25

Time to vote - now we have Mentimeter!

Published 17 August 2020 Do your students (and yourself) think that your lecture is too long and tedious in the online classroom? Don´t worry - you can now easily add interactivity through the voting/poll tool Mentimeter. The long wait is over and now employees and students can log in to Mentimeter with their LU credentials. With Mentimeter you can add a layer of interactivity in your lecture, bot - 2024-12-25

Thesis Defence Interview – Daniela Grassi

By Alexander [dot] doyle [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Alexander Doyle) - published 20 April 2020 Daniela Grassi defends her thesis on Thursday 23rd April. Photo: Kennet Ruona With a research focus on the development and application of in vitro models to study human brain evolution and disease, PhD student Daniela Grassi will be defending her thesis on Thursday 23rd of April 2020. Here, Daniela tell - 2024-12-26

Ph.D. interview - Oscar Manouchehrian

By martina [dot] svensson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Martina Svensson) - published 29 April 2022 Oscar Manouchehrian defends his thesis on the 13th of May 2022. Oscar Manouchehrian has explored the roles of exercise and inflammation in neurological disorders. On May 13, he defends his Ph.D. thesis. Here, he shares his insights into academic research and experiences as a Ph.D. student in the Exper - 2024-12-25

Cutting, peeling & turning: 3D tool Complete Anatomy is now in our learning material arsenal & tour

By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 31 October 2024 Sara Regnér, programme director for the medical programme, in front of an image from Complete Anatomy, a digital tool she is very pleased with. Photo: Agata Garpenlind. Complete Anatomy is a digital 3D tool for the study of anatomy that students can use for self-study. Digital tour: November 19. The - 2024-12-25

Digital conferences will reduce climate impact

Published 12 June 2019 Panels in Hong Kong and Lund exchanged experiences at last week’s digital conference. Webinars and Skype conversations are to be taken to an entirely new level. A test has now been conducted to determine if it is possible to hold a conference digitally (partially at least, as face-to-face networking remains difficult to replicate). The Swedish Ministry of the Environment and - 2024-12-25